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Create Movement and Feel it in the Body

"Create movement and feel it in the body." This has become my mantra. But it hasn't always been this way. I'll use this space to share a bit about my philosophy and how I've arrived here. My hope is that by offering a glimpse into my story, you'll not only get to know me better but also find something within it that resonates with you. So, let's dive in together :)


A few years ago, I found myself at a crossroads, feeling disconnected and adrift in a life that seemed to lack purpose. Caught in the routine of a job I fell into after graduation, I knew something needed to change. That's when I made the decision to embark on a transformative journey that would shape the core of my being.


Spending four months living in the vibrant city of Medellin, Colombia, became the catalyst for profound change in my life. Immersed in daily movement practices, intensive writing sessions, and deep introspection, I embraced discomfort and self-reliance like never before. It was during this time that I discovered the power of listening to myself, my body, and making decisions rooted in my intuition.

In the heart of Colombia, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, I unearthed the profound connection between movement and inner wisdom. By dedicating myself to hours of movement each day, I tapped into emotions stored within my body, gaining invaluable insights and clarity.


Our bodies are reservoirs of untapped knowledge, and movement serves as the gateway to accessing this wealth of wisdom. Through movement meditation and various embodiment practices, we can transcend the confines of our minds and journey into the depths of our being.


My mission is to share the lessons I've learned and the practices I've honed to help you unlock the boundless potential that resides within your own body. Whether you're seeking clarity, empowerment, or simply a deeper connection with yourself, I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.


Join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery, where movement becomes more than just physical exercise—it becomes a profound tool for awakening and growth. Together, let's embark on a path of embodiment and empowerment, where every step is a testament to the infinite wisdom that lies within.

Want to Learn More?

Take a look at my blog posts or guides

Better yet, let's connect 1:1 - book your free consultation below

I can't wait to meet you, learn about your journey and hear about your goals


Hi! My name is Dalia - if you'd like to get in touch send me an email or fill out the form to the right.


Washington, DC


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